
“Phi” Beauty and the Divine Feminine Installed in the Vatican

Phi in the Vatican Observatory

A full scale-print of Jill’s paintings “Phi” is installed in the collection of the Vatican Observatory Museum. The museum is dedicated to historical astronomical artifacts with a room directly below the Schmidt telescope dedicated to astronomical art.
Read More about “Phi”.

Read more about “Juno”.

“When my art was chosen to be installed in the Vatican, I felt a sense of reassurance and validation of my work and my source.”

Jill Harrington Nichols in Hearst Publications:
CTInsider, Connecticut Post, New Haven Register, Shelton Herald, January 24-28th, 2021.
Article written by Brian Gioiele, Editor, Shelton Herald
Photos: Ned Gerard, Hearst Connecticut Media
Jill Nichols poses in front of her painting ‘Phi’ in her home and studio in Shelton, Conn. Jan. 22, 2021. A copy of the painting currently hangs in the Vatican Observatory Museum

“World Class”
Shelton Herald, January 24, 2021

“Elation and disbelief:’ Shelton artist’s work earns prominent placement in Rome, Washington, D.C.”
CTInsider, January 24, 2021

Shelton artist’s work really is world class
New Haven Register, January 25, 2021

Shelton artist’s work really is worldwide
Connecticut Post, January 25, 2021

Washington D.C. Oil on Linen, 24" x 36", collection of James and Patrice Comey

Jill Nichols’s painting served as backdrop for former FBI Director’s “Face the Nation” interview. Jill only became aware of the August 23, 2020 airing when she first read my messages from viewers that reached out. One viewer’s comment, “Saw Mr. Comey on Face the Nation. The painting struck me like a thunderbolt. Found it and you! Magnificent! Sarah U. Read More.

Jill Nichols’s painting appears in “The Comey Rule” in the former FBI Director’s office. This is the story of how my painting of the Grand Canyon found its way into former FBI Director James Comey’s Office and the CBS/Showtime TV show “The Comey Rule”.  Read More.

Interview with Lisa Scails at the Cultural Alliance of Western Connecticut. Jill speaks to her ‘aha’ moment, inspiration from nature and science, understanding beauty and what art can bring to a time like this (during Covid-19). “Artists reflect the soul. We’re laid bare more than at any other time. We’re being asked to look at ourselves and the way we live our lives. I think that artists have the innate sense of getting in there and figuring out what that is and reflecting what we’re all feeling and thinking.” Artists Sunday, November 29, 2020.

Weir Farm Summer's Day, en Plein air, oil on linen, 16"x20"

America the Beautiful

Weir Farm Summer’s Day received an honorable mention award from U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Original sold, purchase prints here.

Weir Farm Summer’s Day, Oil on Canvas 11” x 14”